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$35 Off Pest Control Services In Platte City, MO

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Why Choose Rottler? We're Prompt & Professional

When it comes to servicing your home, we understand you want pest control that works with your schedule. Along with our superior level of service and the most advanced procedures and products, we also offer same-day services, evening servicing, and 24-hour phone lines.

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Pest Control in Platte City, MO

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Pest Control in Platte City, Missouri

At Rottler Pest Control, we understand that your home and business are more than just buildings; they are your sanctuary and livelihood! We aim to ensure these spaces remain safe, comfortable, and pest-free. Proudly serving the Platte City, Missouri community, Rottler Pest Control brings over six decades of industry experience, cutting-edge technology, and a team of highly trained professionals to tackle any pest problem you might face.

Our team provides the adequate protection you need from a variety of pests, including:

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Wildlife Control in Platte City

Wildlife can be a significant issue here in Missouri! Whether dealing with bats, raccoons, birds, or squirrels, these pests present various problems, from damaging your home to hurting your beloved pets. Plus, bats and raccoons can spread the deadly rabies virus, making them extremely dangerous to confront on your own. But with Rottler Pest Solutions, wildlife control in Platte City is a breeze! Our team offers prompt, reliable, and safe solutions to wildlife issues, allowing you to restore your peace of mind. We understand the importance of safeguarding your property and ensuring the safety of your family and pets. Therefore, we utilize effective methods to eliminate the problem swiftly while guaranteeing the humane treatment of the animals.

A Four-Step Process for Success

Unlike with many other pests, there’s no “over-the-counter” solution for wildlife problems! Here at Rottler, we take a comprehensive approach to wildlife removal that will help you safely and quickly remove unwanted visitors from your home and yard.

When you partner with us, you can expect the following:

  • We will conduct a FREE initial inspection to identify entry points and infestation areas.
  • We will then use humane trapping and removal techniques to remove the animal(s) from your property.
  • Our team will also repair damaged areas and apply exclusion treatments to prevent further infestation.
  • We will follow up to make sure your pest problems are solved for good.

With Rottler Pest Solutions, you can rest easy knowing your wildlife problem is controlled! Contact us today to experience our exceptional wildlife control services.

Spider Removal Process

Rottler Pest Solutions offers tailored and practical solutions to combat your spider problems! We prioritize satisfaction and safety within our remedy processes.

Rottler’s Spider Treatment approach includes:

  • Inspection of infestation areas and identification of species to provide proper treatment
  • Treatment of the exterior of your home
  • Application of a barrier treatment
  • Removal of spider webs and eggs
  • Treatment of possible pest entry points
  • Preventative measures and follow-up treatments as necessary

Ant Treatment in Platte City

Rottler Pest Solutions offers effective services to address, remove, and prevent ant infestations in your home! Ants are a common household pest that is difficult to eliminate without professional help.

Our expert team offers techniques and services to address ant problems such as:

  • Inspection and identification of the infestation
  • Customized treatment based on the inspection findings
  • Exterior treatment to create a barrier to prevent future infestations
  • Interior treatment using baits or insecticides to eliminate the ant population
  • Baiting systems to effectively exterminate the entire infestation
  • Follow-up monitoring and preventative measures

Termite Treatment in Platte City

Termites are a homeowner’s worst nightmare! These tiny pests cost you lots of money and damage your home if left unchecked. Our team at Rottler specializes in termite control and prevention with our effective treatment processes.

When you partner with our skilled team, you will receive the following:

  • A thorough interior and exterior inspection of your home to assess the situation
  • Sentricon bait station installation to attract and capture termites
  • A customized treatment plan for your circumstances
  • Prompt and professional termite extermination
  • Termite monitoring with Sentricon stations to identify any termite activity 

Termite Warranty

Rottler Pest Solutions prioritizes your satisfaction with our services. So, we offer a $250,000, 1-year termite warranty on homes once we have treated them for termite infestations. If termite activity persists after treatment, we will re-treat for no additional charge! Our professional technicians want you to be able to carry on with your life worry-free about pests in your home.

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Eco-Friendly Pest Control in Platte City

At Rottler Pest Solutions, we take pride in being pioneers in the field of environmentally responsible pest control in Platte City, Missouri! As the first company in the state to receive the prestigious QualityPro Green designation from the National Pest Management Association, we set the standard for eco-friendly pest management. We also understand the importance of preserving our environment while ensuring your home or business remains pest-free. That’s why we offer our eco-friendly pest management treatments at the same cost as our traditional pest control programs. We believe that protecting your space and the planet can go hand in hand!

Have a Pest Problem?

Speak with our expert technicians today!

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Monthly Pest Control

Rottler's Year-Round Pest Protection Program

The team at Rottler Pest Solutions are the local experts in all things pest and lawn related. We know what issues are most likely to plague your home and have crafted custom services to address those needs. Check out our services and find the right solution for your pest control needs!

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PCT Magazine's Top 100 Since 2002

Rottler Pest Solutions is proud to be included in PCT Magazine's Top 100 pest control companies of 2023!