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$35 Off Pest Control Services In Independence, MO

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Why Choose Rottler? We're Prompt & Professional

When it comes to servicing your home, we understand you want pest control that works with your schedule. Along with our superior level of service and the most advanced procedures and products, we also offer same-day services, evening servicing, and 24-hour phone lines.

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Pest Control in Independence, MO

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Pest Control in Independence

Any pest problem in your home demands attention right away! If household pests have made themselves comfortable in your home, why wait any longer than you need to for help? With Rottler’s same-day pest control in Independence, waiting for quality pest control will be a distant memory and you can reclaim your home in no time.

Pest Control in Independence

Rottler Pest Solutions has been proudly serving Missouri for more than 60 years and are ready to serve you. During our six decades of experience, our pest exterminators have created a sound and effective pest control treatment program to help you maintain a pest-free home year round. With our Signature Pest Protection program, our pest exterminators target everything from mice, rats, and stinging insects, to termite infestations.

When you trust our pest control services, your exterminator will provide the following:

  • A thorough pest inspection of your home’s interior and exterior, to determine any ongoing pest activity.
  • Exterior perimeter treatment to stop pests from entering the home in the first place.
  • Installation of glue traps and monitors to study pest pressures.
  • Removal of all spider webs and eggs.
  • The use of organic, environmentally-friendly pest control products.
  • Our 100% satisfaction guarantee!

Recurring Pest Control Services in Independence

Preventative maintenance is the most important part of exceptional, long-lasting pest control treatment. At Rottler Pest Solutions, we are proud to offer recurring pest control services in Independence to ensure that your home can stay pest-free. Our trained and experienced pest control exterminators will return to your home every other month to inspect and apply necessary targeted treatments to ensure that pests are gone for good.

Our Pest-Free Pledge to You

If you are still noticing pests around your home, we are here to help. Simply call our office at 314-476-9696, and a professional Independence exterminator will return to re-treat your home within 1-2 business days at no additional charge to you. We are fully committed to your satisfaction and if you are unhappy with our pest control services, our pest exterminators will do whatever we can to make things right!

Termite Control in Independence

When dealing with termites, the best defense is a good offense. Our termite exterminators at Rottler Pest Solutions take a proactive approach to protecting your home. Our top-of-the-market Term-Alert termite protection system is specifically engineered to detect termite activity before it reaches your front door! Once we detect termites in your vicinity, we will deploy our trained and experienced termite exterminators in Independence and eliminate the whole colony before it can take a single bite out of your home.

  • A thorough termite inspection to detect even the slightest termite activity.
  • Bi-monthly termite monitoring to catch termites even after treatment.
  • The installation of low-profile monitoring stations to keep termites away for good.
  • The use of organic, eco-friendly products.
  • Our 100% satisfaction guarantee on termite control services!

Total Colony Elimination with Sentricon

In addition to Term-Alert, our Independence termite exterminators at Rottler Pest Solutions employ the industry-best Sentricon Termite Colony Elimination System, to ensure that potential termite threats are treated at the source. Here’s how the Sentricon System works:

  • A certified Sentricon specialist will inspect your property to assess and detect termite damage.
  • Installation of Sentricon bait station to quickly attract termites.
  • Termite extermination. Once termites have found the Sentricon bait, they will share it with the rest of the colony, ensuring that it is eliminated before it enters your home.
  • Continuous termite monitoring. Once the initial termite threat has been neutralized, our termite control experts will continue to monitor your property for any signs of new termite activity.

Satisfaction Guaranteed with our $250,000 Warranty

Accountability and quality service are the cornerstones of our termite control services. With over 60 years of experience treating termites in Missouri, we back up our service with our $250,000 warranty on all of our termite treatments, as well as a total satisfaction guarantee. If you still notice termite activity in your home after we provide termite treatment, we will return within two business days and re-treat any affected areas free of charge.

Don’t let termites in Independence snack on your home for another moment!


Bed Bug Treatment in Independence

A good night of sleep is the beginning of every great day. But, when you share your bed with bed bugs, a good night of sleep becomes all but impossible. With years of bed bug removal experience in Independence, Rottler Pest Solutions can fix your bed bug woes quickly and get you back to sleep.

Trusted Bed Bug Exterminators in Independence

Rottler Pest Solutions has been treating Missouri’s bed bug infestations over 60 years, allowing us to develop fast, sound, and effective bed bug treatments. A bed bug infestation in your home is stressful, so we pledge speedy, no-hassle removal, to ensure minimal disruptions to your life.

Rottler Pest Solutions bed bug treatment services includes the following:

  • Bed Bug K-9 inspections, which can detect bed bug infestations in under 5 minutes.
  • The use of organic, eco-friendly products.
  • Available same day, next day, and evening servicing.
  • Our 100% satisfaction guarantee!

Innovative, Effective, Bed Bug Inspections

While it may sound odd, our use of K-9 bed bug inspections is becoming the industry gold standard. Dogs’ sense of smell is 40 times greater than a human’s. Because of that extraordinary biological advantage, a dog can detect even the smallest bed bug infestation in 3-5 minutes, with over 90% accuracy! The same inspection can take a human up to an hour. A faster inspection saves you time and money, and helps our Independence bed bug exterminators eliminate bed bugs quickly. Our highly trained bed bug K-9 inspectors receive certification from National Entomology Scent Detection Canine Association, so you can rest assured they’re up to the job.


Flexible Bed Bug Control for Home and Business

The finest bed bug control treatment in Independence city treats more than just your home. No matter where bed bugs find their home, Rottler Pest Solutions treats it, with satisfaction guaranteed! In addition to single family homes, our bed bug exterminators also treat:

  • Apartments and condos
  • Hotels and commercial lodgings
  • College dorms facilities
  • Multi-unit commercial properties
  • And much, much more!

Rodent Control in Independence

Mice and rats may look cute and innocent to some, but when they are in your home unwanted, they can cause quite the scare! Not only can they give you a frightful scurry late at night, but they can cause severe damage to your home and are well known carriers of some deadly diseases. Don’t deal with the half-backed DIY products available at your local store. Instead, trust our experienced technicians at Rottler Pest for rodent control in Independence.


Comprehensive Rodent Control

We understand that for our neighbors, just removing the current rodent infestation isn’t enough. What happens if they come back? That’s why we offer all-in-one rodent treatment packages that not only remove any active infestation, but also help prevent any future ones from getting in your way. With our rodent services, you can expect:

  • A complete inspection of your home to identify any active infestation and likely entry points.
  • Active rodent removal using trap and bait methods applied when needed in your situation.
  • Rodent prevention to seal your house preventing future problems.
  • Guaranteed results, so if these pests ever return, we promise to come back too.

The best news for you though is that right now we are offering $35 off all of our rodent control services. Get in touch with Rottler Pest Solutions now and get rid of mice and rats!

Have a Pest Problem?

Speak with our expert technicians today!

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Rottler's Year-Round Pest Protection Program

The team at Rottler Pest Solutions are the local experts in all things pest and lawn related. We know what issues are most likely to plague your home and have crafted custom services to address those needs. Check out our services and find the right solution for your pest control needs!

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