How Dangerous Can A Squirrel Really Be?

brown squirrel sitting on a branch

There is no doubt that squirrels are cute. And, for most of us, it is cool to see a squirrel come up close to the house. It’s not like squirrels are wolves, bears, or lions. They’re harmless, right?

There are some pests we can look at and instantly determine that they are a threat. If you’re seeing yellow jackets flying around your home, you know those insects need to go. If a skunk scurries across your lawn and disappears under your porch, no one has to tell you that skunks stink to have around. However, there are some pests we actually encourage to be in our yards and squirrels are one of them.

There is no doubt that squirrels are cute and, for most of us, it is cool to see a squirrel come up close to the house. A squirrel bounding along a deck railing will have you and your kids stopping to watch them through the window. You may be the type of person who likes to put food out to lure them in close.

Reasons You Don’t Want Squirrels Near Your Home

  • Squirrels are wild animals and wild animals are unpredictable. If they feel threatened or are protecting their young, they can attack.
  • The more squirrels you have in your yard, the more chances you have that one of those squirrels will chew its way into your home.
  • Inside a home, a squirrel will leave feces and urine everywhere, and present a hazard to anyone who corners it.
  • If they chew through electrical wires, they can cause power outages inside a home and can also cause fires.
  • If they chew through plumbing pipes, they can cause leaks, which can eventually cause serious water damage inside your home.
  • Squirrels carry fleas, ticks, mites, and other parasites. When they get into a home, they don’t usually come alone.

We understand that it is fun to have squirrels in your yard. We’re not saying you need to get rid of all those squirrels. We’d just like to encourage you to exercise caution. They can present a danger, especially if they get into your home.

If you are experiencing squirrel problems, contact our team of wildlife experts today!

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