red clover mite in sand

What Are Those Tiny Red Bugs?

Have you spotted tiny red bugs in or around your home? You might be wondering what they are and if they pose a threat. These pests are likely clover mites – tiny creatures no larger than the tip of a ballpoint pen. Indoors, clover mites are commonly found on windowsills, windows, or walls; outdoors, they…

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What Do Moles Like To Eat?

Many pests can invade your yard and damage your landscaping and lawn, but none do the job as perfectly as the mole. Moles are insectivores, choosing to feed on mostly insects. They are commonly confused with rodents like mice and voles. Moles are generally around 6-8 inches long; they have soft brown to dark gray fur and long…

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brown squirrel sitting on a branch

How Dangerous Can A Squirrel Really Be?

There is no doubt that squirrels are cute. And, for most of us, it is cool to see a squirrel come up close to the house. It’s not like squirrels are wolves, bears, or lions. They’re harmless, right?…

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brown recluse

Are Brown Recluse Spiders Active During The Winter?

Yes, Brown recluse spiders remain active during the winter months. There is a prevailing belief that spiders come into our homes in winter because it is cold outside. This is a half-truth. While the cold does send spiders inside, it isn’t for the reason you might think. Those spiders don’t come inside because they’re cold….

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dead bed bugs on white cloth

How To Inspect Your Luggage For Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are found in your bed, right? The answer is yes; however, bed bugs are also found in many other places, one of which includes your luggage. Since bed bugs often spread as a result of traveling, it is no wonder that your suitcase could be the culprit in spreading an infestation. Checking your luggage may…

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