Avoid Bed Bugs While Traveling This Holiday Season

Avoid Bed Bugs While Traveling This Holiday Season

As you plan your holiday travel, the last thing you want is to bring home bed bugs as a souvenir. Whether visiting family or staying at a vacation rental, bed bugs can be a hidden hazard year-round, not just in summer. Following a few simple precautions can help you avoid unwanted encounters with these pests….

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Ultimate Guide to Identifying and Getting Rid of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small, flat insects with an oval shape and brownish color that feed on the blood of humans and warm-blooded animals. Their flat bodies allow them to fit into tiny spaces about the width of a credit card. They can hide in cracks and crevices located close to your resting areas such as mattresses,…

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Checking Bed Bugs Out of Hotels

What types of commercial properties are most susceptible to bed bug infestations? The list features many locations that people visit on a regular basis including doctor’s offices, schools, and office buildings. Topping the list, however, of at-risk commercial properties are hotels, according to research compiled by the National Pest Management Association.  Because of the constant…

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commercial building with window reflection and blue skies

Preventing Bed Bugs in Commercial Properties

With more businesses fully reopening and employees returning to their desks, bed bugs will again be an issue. In non-residential commercial facilities such as office buildings and retail stores where inactive, sleeping human hosts are not readily available, bed bugs tend to wander around randomly looking for unsuspecting targets….

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It’s Bed Bug Season: Are You Ready?

According to Longwoods International, a Columbus, Ohio-based travel research firm, 89 percent of American travelers are planning a trip in the next six months. And as excitement around the prospect of traveling again grows, it’s easy to forget one tiny, but trip-altering threat – bed bugs. While these elusive pests are found just about everywhere,…

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