
What’s Attracting Mosquitoes To My Yard?

Have you ever noticed that it doesn't take long for mosquitoes to mob you when you go out into your yard? Why do you think that is? If you said, "Because those mosquitoes are living in my yard," then you answered correctly. When you step outside, you're not going to be attacked by your neighbor's mosquitoes. Mosquitoes…

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Lawn Care Articles

How To Protect Your Lawn From Lawn Rodents   Moles damage trees and ornamentals. Moles can chew on trees causing an eyesore and putting the tree in danger of dying. They also damage plants by tunneling in their root systems….

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How To Protect Your Home From Lawn Rodents

These small mammals are found all over the world and are often considered pests in lawns and gardens because of their digging habits. Weighing in at around 4 ounces and measuring around 6 or 7 inches, these little creatures have a hairless snout, tiny eyes, and no visible ears. Their habitat includes grasslands, urban areas,…

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What Does Carpenter Ant Damage Look Like?

Where to Look For Carpenter Ants Most of the time, you're not going to see carpenter ant damage. These ants chew galleries inside areas of wood and use those galleries to establish their nests. And since it is impractical to leave their tunnels open and allow predators to get in and attack their nests, these ants try…

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mosquito biting skin

When Are Mosquitoes Most Active?

We all know that mosquitoes are irritating insects that plague us with itchy welts. They bug us while we're camping. They bug us while we're hiking. And they bug us while we're trying to enjoy a cookout in the backyard. But mosquitoes aren't just irritating pests; they are dangerous insects to have around. These tiny, blooding-eating pests…

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How Pest Control Insulation Works

Have you been up to your attic lately? Have you taken a look at your insulation? How's it looking? Is it starting to look compacted? Are you seeing gaps forming or sections that look like there is no insulation at all? If so, you should definitely get a professional to take a look. And, when…

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What Do Bed Bug Bites Look Like?

As you’ve probably noticed, there are a lot of insects in the world, and each of these insects come with their own specific list of problems. Of the vast variety of bugs in the world, many of them can be considered “biting insects”. And one of the most common biting insects in our area is the…

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father and son sitting on a couch playing on a computer

Pest Articles

How Weather Affects Yellow Jackets Find out how St. Louis weather affects yellow jacket populations. Wood Destroying Insects Rottler takes a closer look at the wood destroying insect in St. Louis. The Pros And Cons Of Bats When it comes to bats, they have their pros AND their cons.  Learn more about bats including how they help…

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DIY vs. Professional Brown Recluse Spider Control

There are many species of brown recluse spider. The species we see distributed throughout Missouri is Loxosceles recluse. It is a spider that is known for its dangerous venom. While bites from this spider do not always cause a disfiguring wound, the possibility of necrosis is a concern. And, since Loxosceles recluse is comfortable living inside…

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Common Places to Find Bed Bugs

Are you wondering if you have bed bugs? Are you finding lots of painful, itchy bites on your skin? These are frustrating, and sometimes traumatizing, pests. And when an infestation starts, it can be hard to figure out where these bugs are coming from, especially if you've checked every inch of your mattress and box spring,…

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