black and white dairy cow standing in field on yellow flowers

Flies on Dairy Farms: Identifying Control Solutions

Anyone who has visited a working dairy farm knows that it is an ideal breeding ground for flies. The combination of wet decaying organic material and animal waste provide flies with all they need to become not only a nuisance but a threat to the health and well-being of the herd. Why are flies so…

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Rottler Pest Solutions at the Barnett's Pest Control Madison, Illinois office

Barnett’s Pest Control Acquired by Rottler Pest Solutions

Rottler Pest Solutions is excited to announce that in February 2019, we acquired Barnett's Pest Control. Based in Madison, Illinois, Barnett's is officially part of the Rottler family. In Business for over 65 years, the team at Barnett's has a reputation for being friendly, helpful, and professional, and we're happy to be able to continue that…

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up close brown bed bug on a white sheet

Bed Bug Guide: Bed Bug Prevention Tips

Unfortunately, bed bug infestations are becoming more common for homeowners in Saint Louis, Columbia and throughout Missouri and the United States. While many may feel embarrassed or ashamed, it is important to know that bed bugs are not a result of poor hygiene or lack of good sanitation.  In fact, nowadays, bed bugs are often introduced through used furniture, clothing, or visitors. These…

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ants crawling on tree limb

Everything You Need to Know About Ants In Missouri

Types of Ants in Missouri: Pharaoh Ants Odorous House Ants Pavement Ants Honey Ants Acrobat Ants Field Ants Carpenter Ants At one time or another, we’ve all seen these tiny insects marching across our floors or foraging on our counters.  These insects are common invaders of homes and are a real nuisance for homeowners in St….

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Do I Really Need Protection From Termites in My Missouri Home?

With over $2 billion of damages being done by termites each year in the United States, your chances of getting them in your Missouri home can be pretty high. Termites are known to infest homes in every state but Alaska, which means Missouri is no exception. There are 50 species of termite found in the…

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When Do Fleas Start Becoming A Problem in St. Louis?

  Fleas are insects that require a host. That is to say, they hop onto warm-blooded animals and live out their lifespan of two to three months. So, when considering the seasonality of fleas, we must take into consideration the seasonality of the pest animals that carry them, and not only the fleas themselves. Here's how…

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Guide To Keeping Cockroaches Out Of Your Home

In our service area, we are called in to treat for cockroaches quite often. These are dirty and pernicious pests that can poison food, taint food prep surfaces, and spread diseases and allergens throughout a structure. In fact, they are reported to spread six kinds of parasitic worms, over seven human pathogens, and at least 33 kinds…

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5 Ways To Protect Your Home From Wildlife

There is a good chance that wherever you live, you have had the opportunity to see a squirrel or two in your time. You might even have been visited by skunks, raccoons, rabbits and maybe even the occasional possum. You might look forward to these backyard visitors every once in a while as they forage…

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Why Ticks Are So Dangerous

Have you seen the news lately? It seems like every news agency is covering something on ticks. Turn on CBS to hear about Lyme disease spreading fast. Turn to NBC and find out about a new kind of tick that is causing an epidemic of Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Open up the Washington Post to read…

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What’s Attracting Mosquitoes To My Yard?

Have you ever noticed that it doesn't take long for mosquitoes to mob you when you go out into your yard? Why do you think that is? If you said, "Because those mosquitoes are living in my yard," then you answered correctly. When you step outside, you're not going to be attacked by your neighbor's mosquitoes. Mosquitoes…

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Rottler Pest Solutions is proud to be included in PCT Magazine's Top 100 pest control companies of 2023!