There is no doubt that squirrels are cute. And, for most of us, it is cool to see a squirrel come up close to the house. It’s not like squirrels are wolves, bears, or lions. They’re harmless, right?…
Are Brown Recluse Spiders Active During The Winter?
Yes, Brown recluse spiders remain active during the winter months. There is a prevailing belief that spiders come into our homes in winter because it is cold outside. This is a half-truth. While the cold does send spiders inside, it isn’t for the reason you might think. Those spiders don’t come inside because they’re cold….
How To Get Rid Of Booklice
Booklice are a common pest that infests homes all across the country. In fact, you could have a few in your home right now, but before you start itching booklice aren’t actually lice they are just named so because of their appearance….
How To Inspect Your Luggage For Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are found in your bed, right? The answer is yes; however, bed bugs are also found in many other places, one of which includes your luggage. Since bed bugs often spread as a result of traveling, it is no wonder that your suitcase could be the culprit in spreading an infestation. Checking your luggage may…
How Dangerous Are Raccoons?
Raccoons are fluffy, they’re curious, and they have a wide-eyed stare that may have you thinking that these animals are too innocent to ever do anything wrong. …
Everything You Need To Know About A Booklice Infestation
If you have found tiny, pale-colored insects crawling around in your home, it can be quite disturbing. So, we’re going to skip over the scientific data on these pests and get right to what matters most. Do booklice bite? No. They are not harmful to humans. Unlike true lice, they do not feed on blood….
Spider Beetle FAQ: Do Spider Beetles Bite? How to Prevent Them
Have you heard about spider beetles? No, we didn’t just make this pest up!…
Rodents Chewing Inside Of Your Walls?
Have you been hearing scrabbling noises inside the walls of your home at night? Does it sound like something could be gnawing on the walls? You could have a rodent, or family of rodents, living in your house! Small rodents, such as mice, rats, and squirrels are common household invaders here in St. Louis. Unlike humans, rodents can’t throw…
Why You Do Not Want Muskrats On Your Property
If you live in a desert, you’re not likely to have to worry about muskrats, but here in Missouri, there aren’t a lot of deserts. Check out these 5 reasons you do not want muskrats on your property and tips for controlling them….