termite damage on the roof of an old home

6 Signs That You Have Termites

The NPMA estimates that termites cause $5 billion in property damage each year. That is a staggering figure and much of this damage goes undetected. Often, homeowners don’t even realize they have termites until they begin to see the damage….

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carpenter ants

Are Carpenter Ants or Carpenter Bees Destroying My Deck?

With summer in full swing, it is likely that you and your family are spending ample time out on the deck. Perhaps while repairing the wood structure or applying a new layer of finish you have begun to notice small, carved holes in your deck….

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dead female black widow spider on the finger of a man

Are There Black Widows In Missouri?

Black widow spiders can be found all over the United States, especially in states to the West and South. However, that is no reason for anyone to be suspicious of every black spider that crosses their path….

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rodents on bed

6 Signs You May Have A Rodent Infestation

You might be thinking mice and rats are not really a problem in the summertime but unfortunately, they are a year-round pest problem here in St. Louis and Mid-Missouri and will not let up even when the temperatures are soaring….

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rat and mouse

How To Tell If You’re Dealing With Mice Or Rats

Have you noticed any of these signs around your home? Droppings on the cupboard, scratching in the walls or evidence of nibbling around your home. While you never want mice or rats in your home, it can be very important to recognize which rodent you are dealing with when it comes to extermination and control….

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mole hills in a yard of green grass

Signs Of Moles In Your Yard

A lot of us work hard to keep our yard and our landscape looking a certain way. It takes a lot of effort to get the lawn mowed at just the right length, or the shrubs and the flowers looking just so. After all this work the last thing you want to wake up to…

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mouse trap

Why Mouse Traps Aren’t Enough To Solve Your Problem

If you’ve been hearing the pitter-patter of mice feet scurrying behind your walls, you are probably running to find the nearest mouse trap to get rid of your intruder. But the question is, do mouse traps really take care of your rodent problem?…

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rodent in home

Rodents That Are Commonly Found In Missouri Homes

Rodents are some of the most common pests found in St. Louis, elsewhere in Missouri, and across the country. They get into walls and attics, oftentimes chewing and causing damage. Shorted wires from chewing are one of the leading causes of house fires….

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red clover mite in sand

What Are Those Tiny Red Bugs?

Have you spotted tiny red bugs in or around your home? You might be wondering what they are and if they pose a threat. These pests are likely clover mites – tiny creatures no larger than the tip of a ballpoint pen. Indoors, clover mites are commonly found on windowsills, windows, or walls; outdoors, they…

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What Are Booklice?

Have you ever wondered what booklice are? They are actually psocids, which are minute insects that feed on fungi or mold. Although booklice superficially resemble some lice species, they are not true lice….

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