Spiders in Missouri

Common Spiders in Missouri

We have many spiders in Missouri. There are more than 470 individual species in the state. But, we're going to focus on the spiders that live in our gardens, get into our sheds and garages, crawl up through our wall voids, live in our attic spaces, and crawl around in our homes. While spiders are…

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yellow jacket on wooden fence post outside st louis home

How Weather Affects Yellow Jackets

When it comes to stinging insects, few are as aggressive as the yellow jacket. These wasps can sting multiple times, fiercely protect their nests, and even pursue their targets relentlessly. Yellow jacket swarms are known to navigate around obstacles and hover above water, waiting to strike. Yellow jackets often build ground nests, which can create…

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What Are These Bugs Inside My Springfield Pantry?

There are many insects that can get into your pantry but we're going to take a look at a specific kind of pest called stored product pests. These are insects that target packaged foods in pantries, storage areas, and kitchens, especially around the holidays when we spend more time buying and preparing food. But stored product…

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Missouri Mosquitoes Can Pack An Extra Punch

Even though we live in the Show Me State, do you really want to wait until you see someone you know gets sick with the Chikungunya or West Nile virus before you take action to protect yourself from mosquito bites? These stories from Fox2Now, and CBS News are only a few of the many reports that have been done…

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tick on the end of a blade of grass

Homeowners Guide To Tick Prevention

When it comes to protecting yourself and the ones you love from tick-related diseases, it is important to understand the problems associated with ticks. Hopefully, this quick guide will help clarify any questions you have. In Missouri, we have brown dog ticks, blacklegged ticks, American dog ticks, lone star ticks, and more. Brown dog ticks attack dogs and…

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Acrobat Ant Prevention

There are many reasons to want to correct an acrobat ant problem. The most obvious reason is that these ants can sting if they feel threatened. While bites from acrobat ants are not anything that will have you rushing to the hospital, they can be unpleasant. The less obvious reason to get that ant problem…

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Ladybugs Aren’t So Cute

Most people really dislike insects, especially when they come inside our homes. But for some reason, people actually like ladybugs! Maybe it’s their cute name, their ability to destroy aphids in the garden, or the fact that their likeness can be found on children’s clothing. But when you find the real live bugs throughout your…

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What Are These Black And Orange Bugs Around My Yard?

When box elder bugs appear in a yard or start crawling on vegetation and congregating on the exterior walls of a home, it can have a homeowner scratching their head, wondering what bug they're dealing with. While these are common pests, with clear markings and coloration, they can be mistaken for other bugs. One bug they get…

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Mouse Droppings And Other Signs of A Mouse Problem

One of the first signs that you may notice if you have a mouse or two living in your home are the droppings.  While mouse droppings are generally concentrated at their breeding and nesting areas, unfortunately they will leave this type of evidence behind all over (and we mean all over) your house, from the attic to…

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Help! I Think My College Kid Brought Bed Bugs Home

College is out, so if your college kid brought bed bugs back home from their dorm room, you may now start to notice signs of bed bugs in your home. It shouldn’t take you too long to notice a bed bug infestation, especially once these pests have begun to multiply and spread throughout your home. Unfortunately, even the…

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