
Are Carpenter Ants or Carpenter Bees Destroying My Deck?

carpenter ants

With summer in full swing, it is likely that you and your family are spending ample time out on the deck. Perhaps while repairing the wood structure or applying a new layer of finish you have begun to notice small, carved holes in your deck.

With summer in full swing, it is likely that you and your family are spending ample time out on the deck. Perhaps while repairing the wood structure or applying a new layer of finish you have begun to notice small, carved holes in your deck. And if you haven’t had the power tools out, it is possible that you have an infestation of wood-destroying insects. It may be hard to identify which species has left galleries in the wood of your deck as the damage from carpenter ants and carpenter bees can look very similar. In either case, it is important to identify and eliminate the culprit and to that end, St. Louis pest control company Rottler Pest & Lawn Solutions can help!

Unlike most species of ants who are simply a nuisance pest, carpenter ants are capable of leaving structural damage if they find access to moist, decaying wood, or even more sound wood structures which leaves your deck up for grabs. Carpenter ants do not eat the wood but they do carve holes and galleries in order to form their colonies. Over time, as the colony grows, so does the structural damage.

Carpenter bees are another threat to the deck as well as other wooden structures of your home and unlike most species of bees that are very social and form nests and hives with many others, carpenter bees are solitary. They carve through wood structures in order to have a private place to lay eggs and store food. And as with carpenter ants, carpenter bees will leave structural damage that becomes more severe as more time goes on.

In order to identify which species has caused the damage, your best bet is going to be to keep an eye on the damaged area. In the event of an ant infestation, you will likely see ants foraging from the nest in order to find food to bring back. But if it is a bee infestation you may notice the male bee buzzing around the outside of the carved hole acting as a guard. No matter which species you are dealing with, the important thing is to contact your local STL pest control pros to safely and effectively resolve the infestation.

For anyone seeing damage to their deck or other wooden structures in St. Louis or in the surrounding Mid-Missouri area, Rottler has the solution! Our experienced and knowledgeable pest control technicians know how to effectively get rid of the ants or bees and seal off the holes so that your deck does not undergo any further damage. For more information on Missouri home pest control services or any other pest matters, please give us a yell today!

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